31 Islamic Position Regarding Gender-Swapping Islamic teachings emphasise certain principles that are relevant to discussions about technology, identity, and ethics, guided by several principles when engaging in activities like gender-swapping in the metaverse. Firstly, modesty and decency in social interactions. Islamic teachings emphasise modesty and decency in behaviour and attire. Muslims may apply these principles when representing themselves in virtual spaces and consider the impact of their choices on their own and others' perceptions of modesty. Secondly, respect and honouring one’s true identity. Islam places importance on respecting and acknowledging one's identity. While the metaverse allows for a degree of identity exploration and expression, individuals are encouraged to maintain a level of consistency with their true identity. Thirdly, avoiding harm and misleading others. In surah al-Baqarah verse 195: ۟اوُﻘِﻔﻧَأَو ٱ ِلﯾِﺑَﺳ ﻰِﻓ  ِﱠ ۟اوُﻘْﻠُﺗ َﻻَو ﻰَﻟِإ ْمُﻛﯾِدْﯾَﺄِﺑ ﱠﺗﻟٱ ِﺔَﻛُﻠْﮭ آوُﻧِﺳْﺣَأَو ﱠنِإ ٱ  َﱠ ﱡبِﺣُﯾ َنﯾِﻧِﺳْﺣُﻣْﻟٱ “Spend in the cause of Allah and do not let your own hands throw you into destruction ˹by withholding˺. And do good, for Allah certainly loves the good doers”. Islamic ethics emphasise the avoidance of harm and misleading others. When engaging in gender-swapping or identity exploration in the metaverse, Muslims must consider whether their actions cause harm or confusion to others. The fundamental principle in Islam is that a woman is forbidden ( haram ) to resemble ( tasyabbuh ) a man in terms of clothes, jewellery, speech, voice, movements, and the physical body (change the physical shape), and vice versa. Finally, intent and sincerity. In Islam, intentions matter. If someone is using gender- swapping in the metaverse for innocent or creative purposes, it may be viewed differently from disrespectful, deceptive, or abusive intentions. Closing In essence, users communicate their gender identities in the metaverse through avatars and language use when interacting in the virtual world. Some may argue that this is only in the metaverse and not in the real world. However, on the opposing view, does gender swapping benefit the person playing the game to justify such an argument? Gender swapping in the metaverse increases gender fluidity through online gaming. However, it is just a matter of time before the metaverse life spills into the real world.