25 before collecting and utilizing their data. Furthermore, from an Islamic perspective, ensuring that AI technologies comply with Shariah principles and guidelines is essential. AI-powered marketing tools should not promote or facilitate haram (forbidden) activities, such as fostering interest-based financial products or unethical practices. Additionally, there is a concern about the impact of AI on employment opportunities. From an Islamic perspective, it is essential to ensure that the implementation of AI does not result in job losses or contribute to societal inequalities. This can be achieved by investing in training and re-skilling programs to help individuals adapt to the changing job landscape and by fostering an inclusive approach that considers the social impact of AI in marketing communication. Closing The integration of AI in marketing communication has the potential to revolutionize business practices and enhance the customer experience. However, from an Islamic perspective, ensuring that AI technologies are used responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with Shariah principles is crucial. Islamic ethics emphasizes the importance of honesty, transparency, and customer privacy protection. Furthermore, it is vital to consider the societal impact of AI in terms of employment opportunities and avoid contributing to job loss or inequalities. By addressing these challenges and considerations, marketers can harness the power of AI while staying true to Islamic principles. In the rapidly evolving field of marketing communication, the integration of Artificial Intelligence has brought about significant changes and advancements. These changes could revolutionize business practices and enhance the customer experience. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dahlan, H A. (2018, June 1). Future Interaction between Man and Robots from Islamic Perspective. Hassan, A C A., & Latiff, S A. (2014, June 1). Islamic Marketing Ethics and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in the Islamic Banking Industry. Junusi, R E. (2020, July 10). Digital Marketing During the Pandemic Period; A Study of Islamic Perspective. Suhartanto, D., Syarief, M E., Nugraha, A C., Suhaeni, T., Masthura, A., & Amin, H. (2021, July 14). Millennial loyalty towards artificial intelligence-enabled mobile banking: evidence from Indonesian Islamic banks. 2020-0380