32 confirmed by Ratnasingham, who found that fear of credit card theft is one of the main barriers to customers making more substantial online purchases. In addition, privacy issues in some major social media campaigns have led to a public relations disaster that has significantly damaged the business's reputation. Closing As technology is rapidly evolving, social media is on the cutting edge occasionally to provide the best to sellers and buyers online. To keep up with the trend, online shopping is very convenient for people. If everyone follows the rules of Islam, certain disadvantages can be avoided. Verse 10 of Surah Al-Jumu'ah states that all business is permissible if it does not violate the Islamic principles, the trust. BIBLIOGRAPHY Al-Quran. Advertising Age (2011) principles-advertisingmarketing/229091. Hoffman, D., Novak, T., & Peralta, M. (1999). Information Privacy in the Marketspace: Implications for the Commercial Uses of Anonymity on the Webǁ, Information Society , 15 (2): 129-140. Mason, A. N., Narcum, J., & Mason, K. (2021). Social media marketing gains importance after Covid-19. Cogent Business & Management , 8 (1), 1870797. Ratnasingham, P. (1998). Internet-based EDI trust and security, Information Management & Computer Security, 6 (1): 33-40.
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