| Majlis Konvokesyen ke-20 USIM 37 Pada 14 Januari 2018, beliau telah menerima Darjah Setia Bakti Negeri Sembilan (DBNS) daripada DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir di Istana Besar Seri Menanti. Sehubungan itu, beliau menzahirkan ucapan menjunjung kasih kepada DYMM Tuanku atas kurnia yang amat besarmaknanya kepada beliau dan keluarga beliau. Penganugerahan darjah kebesaran yang membawa gelaran Dato’ ini merupakan anugerah tertinggi kedua diterima beliau selepas dipilih sebagai penerima Anugerah Prof. Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders. Anugerah tersebut diterima semasa World Education Congress di Taj Lands End, Mumbai, India pada November 2017. Sehingga kini beliau masih bersemangat menabur bakti di USIM sebagai Karyawan Tamu di FST, USIM. Di atas peluang dan kesempatan ini, beliau berterima kasih kepada DYYM Tunku Ampuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Tuanku Aishah Rohani binti Almarhum Tengku Besar Mahmud; Canselor USIM, Naib Canselor, Pengurusan Tertinggi Universiti dan kakitangan yang sentiasa menyokong dan membantu beliau selama ini.  Falsafah yang dipegang beliau, Challenge yourself and make good things happen without hurting others iaitu cabarlah diri sendiri dan sentiasa berlaku baik tanpa menganiaya sesiapa dan ungkapan Haza Rahmatun Min Robbi sentiasa terucapkan dibibirnya. Professor Dato’ Dr. Roshada Hashim was born on the 20 th August 1960 and raised in Sungai Petani, Kedah. She received her early education at Father Barre’s Convent Primary School, Sungai Petani and Ibrahim Secondary School, Sungai Petani. She then pursued her first degree and doctorate education at the University of Salford, United Kingdom. Professor Dato’ Dr. Roshada has spent her working life in academia for 34 years. She has served at Universiti Sains Malaysia for 27 years before transferring to USIM in 2013 until her mandatory retirement in 2020. Her primary expertise as a Clinical Biochemist has changed direction when she started working in the field of Fish Nutrition. In 2006, she established the Aquaculture Research Group at USM. The focus placed upon the Sustainable Development Goals recommended by the United Nation is reflected in her persistent efforts in increasing fish production as well as the quality of life for farmers. As a lecturer and professor in the field of Fish Nutrition, she has supervised 11 PhD students and 15 Master students and also supported more than 20 years of research amounting to around RM 8 million during her services at USM. Additionally, not to mention her role as a consultant for 20 projects in the aquaculture industry with various government bodies, as well as local and international agencies. The research group led by her has also successfully commercialised the Portable Canvas Tank system for the commercial production of freshwater fish in 2012 which is still being used by breeders up to today. Research and publications go hand in hand. Thus, her research works have been successfully published in the scope of renowned, high impact journals in the field of Fish Nutrition and Aquaculture related to biological solutions, social and ethical challenges. This success is recognised as a significant contribution to the progress in the field of global aquaculture. Professor Dato’ Dr. Roshada has published more than 70 journal articles and the impact of her research works has triggered a high number of citations with an H-Index of 24. In addition, she has produced 5 books published by USM and Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. Internationally, she was active in the Asian Fisheries Association as a Council Member for 10 years and was appointed as the Secretary General at the 9th Council Meeting. She also received the Merit Award